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  • Writer's pictureDenise Nachtigal

TEEN READ WEEK! TTT Voting OPEN! So many links!


There's a lot of voting you kids can be doing. Sure, you're not old enough to vote in political elections, but your opinions are actually still important.

The Young Adult Library Association (YALSA) does a Teen Top Ten award each year, for the books that YOU ALL rank as the best. This year, there are 25 books to vote on, some of which are also YARP books. To vote, just click on this link and rate your top picks.

This week is also Teen Read Week. But what is Teen Read Week you might ask? Might because it's pretty self explanatory. This is the week when reading is not only promoted, but heavily encouraged. It's really no secret that a lot of you don't see reading as anything special. In fact, many of you have boasted to me how infrequently you do read. To you, I strongly encourage you read my post here regarding the ridiculous amount of reasons why you should read.

Yes, I do realize the irony of asking people who don't read, to read something. I pinky-promise, it's a painless read, and might only take about 5 minutes of your time.

Also, if you decide that maybe you might give this book thing a try, I also recommend this post in regards to finding a book you might actually like. Additionally, if you don't feel like walking around the library, I recommend this post on how to use our e-book system, available on almost any device with an internet connection. (*pst* There's even audio books which, although not technically reading in the traditional sense, are still books, none-the-less!)

Seriously though, just READ something! Magazines, newspapers, a book, a graphic novel, a blog, ANYTHING. You are missing out on sooooo much when you don't read. There are millions upon millions of worlds you are missing out on. There are weird, bizarre, and wonderful words you never knew existed. There are parts of your brains that aren't growing to their full potential. Most of all, there are crazy and fantastic adventures you could be having, without ever leaving your room. Reading opens your world from the confinement of our small town, to an endless seas of opportunities to explore. Don't limit yourself! Free your brain!

There are worlds within worlds and stories within stories.

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